Singing Guide: Cold War Kids

Singing Guide: Cold War Kids

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn to sing like Cold War Kids, there are a few unique vocal techniques that you should focus on. Cold War Kids's signature sound blends indie rock with blues and soul influences while creating an energetic, unmistakable vibe.

One of Cold War Kids's unique vocal techniques is their use of falsetto mixed with driven high notes that create an emotional, passionate style. A good example is the song 'First,' where singer Nathan Willett's voice shifts from a delicate falsetto in the verses to a strong, belted high note in the chorus.

Another technique that Cold War Kids use frequently is their distinctive staccato singing style. This singing technique involves short, punchy notes that create a rhythmic and percussive feel to the singing. A great example is the song 'Miracle Mile,' where Nathan Willett uses staccato delivery to evoke the energy and urgency of the lyrics.

In terms of resources to help you learn to sing like Cold War Kids, the Vocal Range Test and the Pitch Accuracy Test on Singing Carrots could help you understand your vocal range and pitch accuracy so that you can accurately reproduce Cold War Kid's sound.

Pitch Training is a great tool to help you develop your falsetto and belt higher notes confidently and accurately. Additionally, the Chest Voice Explained Skill-Related Video shows different methods to find your chest voice and explores how chest voice and falsetto are two distinct techniques that you can blend using mixed voice.

For learning to sing staccato effectively, the 3 Minute Warm-up skill-related video has exercises that improve your tongue positioning, and Hands on Vocal Tutorial 4 (HOVT4) has a 'Short D' technique to develop a crisp sound with proper syllable stress.

While working on your voice, develop your unique style and sound using Song search for songs matching your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preferences. Create your performance set with songbook to see your links with lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio all in one place.

By incorporating these techniques and resources into your practice routine, you can start to sing like Cold War Kids while honing your own unique style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.